How to Stop Sickness When You Feel it Creeping In

What do you do when you start feeling sick? Do you mentally prep yourself for feeling horrible and being miserable for the upcoming week? Or do you take steps to stop your sickness dead in its tracks?

I have not been sick enough to miss my daily schedule for the last 11 years now. Although I am not an expert, I have relied upon a few tricks that have helped me stop lurking sicknesses in their tracks, and hopefully will do the same for you.

feeling sick funny

8 Tips to Stop Sickness

  1. Start slamming tons of water with either apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. These two liquids help cleanse your body and detoxify it at the same time.
  1. Swap sugar, dairy, meat, and refined and/or processed foods for whole living foods.It is a proven fact that sugar, dairy, meat, and processed foods lead to inflammation and inflammation, over a long period of time, can lead to disease. Speed up your healing process with fresh juice, salads, and other living foods that your body will soak right up in all the right ways.
  2. Get plenty of sleep. It’s healthy to get around 7 hours of sleep each night.  But when you’re sick, you should be getting at least eight hours of sleep, making sure you are in bed and asleep by 10 pm. Also, go to bed early so you can wake up, start your day, and get moving with an energizing miracle morning!
  3. Still do light exercise.  A healthy, functioning body is going to help fight off the sickness much easier. Do some yoga, hop on the elliptical, or walk to work up a quick sweat, which will help rid your body of the stuff that may be keeping you sick.
  1. Sweat the sickness out in a steam room or sauna. I learned from my wrestling friends the value of a sauna, which is beneficial in multiple ways. Some even go to the extreme of bringing a gallon of water with them in the sauna and don’t leave until it’s gone (although I wouldn’t recommend this. A good rule of thumb is to stay in a sauna no longer than 30 minutes or if you’re feeling light-headed, as this may lead to heat exhaustion or worse). So bring a good book, lots of water, and be ready to sweat! This will allow you to sweat out all the toxins and sickness in your body while being hydrated. Bonus: a cold shower afterwards will really wake you up 🙂
  1. Get out of bed. Although rest is good and necessary, make an effort to get up. You’ll feel much more accomplished and positive, as compared to sitting in your bed of misery all day with your sickness, and positivity can only help your sickness.
  1. Get a new toothbrush. Get rid of all those germs that got you sick as well as any chap sticks you used while you were sick.
  1. Make a Hot Toddy.This combination kills a lot of bacteria and germs in your throat, but will also help you relax enough to get a good night’s rest. However, remember, everything in moderation! Overindulging may only make your problem worse.

Use these tips for when you start to get sick so you can beat that cold and stay on top of your daily routine!

7 keys to CRUSHING your finals without being STRESSED

Do you hate finals week? Do you feel like you need to pull all nighters or slam Red Bulls to have a chance at passing them?

Here are some tips I’ve learned to help you crush your finals without the need to feel stressed or overwhelmed.


How are you supposed to get anything done if you are watching Snaps, scrolling through Instagram, reading your emails, and constantly hearing dings on your phone? We live in such a need-to-know-instantly culture that we are addicted to our phones. Turn off all your notifications or turn on airplane mode when you are studying.

I just read “The One Thing” which talks about focusing on one thing at a time. 28% of our day is wasted by distractions. Don’t let 5 hours in the library only account for 3 hours of actual study time.


I know you may be in college, so I need to clarify this is not a “Power Hour.” This is a focus strategy. Instead of trying to power through endless hours of studying, break it into chunks.

For every 50 minutes of focused study time, take 5-10 minutes for a break. Those breaks could include doing jumping jacks to get the blood flowing, meditation to clear the mind, checking social media because you’re going through withdrawals, or going to the bathroom. You will return for the next 50 minutes rejuvenated and ready to focus.


I know this doesn’t seem like it relates, however, water is very important. Our bodies are made up of mostly water, and we need to stay hydrated. Even though it doesn’t give you a kick like coffee does, it will be better for your body, leaving you balanced throughout your entire study session. Drinking tons of water will keep you cleansed, give you better focus, and not leave you feeling drained and lethargic.


Too many students study with TV or music on in the background. You aren’t absorbing everything you can because part of your brain is focusing on what’s going on in the background. Even the library can be distracting. It’s a great place to go study, but most likely you’re spending half your time saying “hi” to all of the friends you see, getting distracted by side conversations, and staring at the cute girl in your English class across the room.Find a place with little traffic, little noise, and somewhere that puts you in a good mood.


I could write a whole website on the what the Miracle Morning has done for my life. 😉 Essentially, it’s doing all the important activities that we should do, but we claim not to have the time or energy to do. What I think is funny, is that when it’s time to step up and prep for finals, students cut back on healthy habits. They think they need to spend all day studying. However, it’s even more important to keep those good habits up to be on your “A game.”

How good would you feel if before you studied, you exercised, reflected on what you’re grateful for, had a chance to clear your head, got pumped up with a self-confidence affirmation, and read 10 pages of an inspiring book? EVERY student has an hour a day to complete these activities daily to keep them in tip top shape for crushing their finals. Unfortunately, many students eat crappy, get less sleep, don’t exercise, and sit in front of a screen all day.


Isn’t it funny how college students complain about a packed day of classes when they only have 4 classes? That’s about 5 hours of actual class. We used to go to school from 7:45 am-2:45 pm. That’s a straight 7 hours. Students don’t need to cram for exams or pull all-nighters if they just treated college like high school. What I mean is “go to school” from 8 am-4 pm, even though you might only have 3 actual classes in that time frame. Fill the hour gaps with study and homework time. That way you are already focused and in school mode. Then you can have fun and relax all night. Do you really need that nap, or that extra episode of netflix? Resist short term pleasure throughout the day, to have long term happiness later.


In my original Vector  student work training, I learned that “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” It’s amazing how powerful our brains are. Go into your finals week confident and motivated. You are smart enough, you have all the resources at your fingertips, you took good notes, and attended most of your classes. Don’t get stressed out and fill your mind with the “what ifs.” Most of the “what ifs” never happen. Build yourself up and fill your mind with positivity. You won’t be as worried for your exams with a ‘can-do’ mentality.


I find that too many students worry about their grade still after they have already taken the exam. They live in misery for days wondering what their grade is. Worrying about it won’t change how poor or great you did. Forget about it and move on. Don’t let the last test affect your next one. Some of the best athletes have the shortest memory of bad moments. If they have a bad quarter, they forget about it and believe in themselves for the next one.

Finals can be a stressful time, but if you follow these tips, you will CRUSH YOUR FINALS and NOT STRESS doing it.

Now that you’re done with finals and still need to pay for school, check out! We have flexible student work that can be done remotely!